Sometimes, loud snoring followed by intermittent cessation of breathing, affects sleep
Snoring is common in children and generally no treatment is required. Sometimes, loud snoring followed by intermittent cessation of breathing, affects sleep. This is commonly because of large tonsils and adenoids, is known as “obstructive sleep apnoea”, and should be treated. Tonsil and adenoid surgery usually cures the condition in children. In adults other surgical measures may be required.
What increases the risk of obstructive sleep apnoea?
- Being overweight
- Males have a higher tendency
- Aged over 40 years
- Large neck – Collar size over 17 inches
- Sedatives
- Alcohol consumption before going to bed
- Inner neck structure – such as a narrow airway, large tonsils, adenoids or tongue, or a small lower jaw
- Smoking
- Menopause
- Family history of OSA
Treatment options for snoring and sleep apnoea
Depending on the cause of the condition and results of sleep study etc. many treatments available which include:
- Removal of tonsils and adenoids
- Surgery on the palate (uvulo-palato-pharyngo plasty or U3P)
- Nasal surgery to optimise the nasal airway
- Somnoplasty
- Implants in the soft palate and tonsillar pillars
- Laser surgery
- Surgery to alter the neck structure
- Use of mouth prosthesis (mandibular advancement device)
- Nasal congestion
Please click HERE for more information on the ENTUK website
Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnoea consulation request
Please leave your contact details and we will call you to discuss your requirements and book a consultation.